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Тема: Guid

  1. #1
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    По умолчанию Guid

    Платиновый путеводитель по трофеям


    • Stacking: PSVita
    • Estimated trophy difficulty: 1/10
    • Offline: 42 (1 1 24 16 )
    • Online: N/A
    • Approximate time: 6h
    • Does Difficulty affect Trophies: N/A
    • Missable trophies: None if you follow this guide
    • Extra Items for the Game: None
    • Glitched trophies: None
    • Cheats: None

    BUTTON Config

    - Кнопка отмены
    - Action Button
    - Backlog
    - Автовоспроизведение дважды нажмите для пропуска
    - Внутриигровое меню

    System Config

    Перейдите к выбору истории LUNATIC PARADE.

    1) 逆巻家リビングへ

    После прохождения пролога выберите アヤト

    Chapter 1

    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenario カナト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioシュウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    1) 体を張って止める
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioライト
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioレイジ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    2) 褒めておく

    SAVE1 (Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: GO CART

    Goal of this mini game is to reach the finish line while avoiding obstacles, use and . If you drive over an arrow which is on the race track, you will receive a nice boost. Bumping into obstacle will slow you down, if you see an arrow just after the obstacle it’s still worth bumping into it, just to get the boost. Very easy.

    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioスバル
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioユーマ
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioシン
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioコウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    1) 手を握る

    END アヤト

    AYATO -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE. After your first playthrough you can skip the prolog. (NO and then YES)
    Choose カナト

    Chapter 1

    2) 話しかける
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioライト
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioシュウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    2) 大人しく待っている
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioレイジ
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioユーマ
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアヤト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    SAVE2 (Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: Whack a bat

    The goal of this mini game is surprisingly whacking bats. Using your left analog stick point the cross-hair over flying bats and shoot them down with . Once enough bats are dead you will clear this game with ease.

    2) 正直に話す

    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioシン
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioスバル
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioコク
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    1) 大丈夫

    END カナト

    KANATO -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE. After your first playthrough you can skip the prolog. (NO and then YES)

    Chapter 1

    1) 待ってみる

    SAVE3 (right after the answer make a Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: Search for the lost

    Press at the begining to view the map. Get to the ring and than go to exit. This can be done in 10 seconds, when time limit is 60.

    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioスバル
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioシン
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioユーマ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    2) ふふ。そうかな
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioシュウ
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioカナト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    1) 見ないふり
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioコウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアヤト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioレイジ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    1) ……そうかな?


    LAITO -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE. After your first playthrough you can skip the prolog. (NO and then YES)
    Choose シュウ

    Chapter 1

    1) シュウさんが食べて
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioライト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioレイジ
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    1) ミラーハウス

    SAVE4 (right after the answer make a Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: Shooting

    Another easy one, you will be pressing buttons that are shown to you below in two rows in a correct order, on easy difficulty there are two buttons each time to the left side and after 30 seconds there will be objects appearing to the right as well. You can switch between left and right with and . Fill up the score bar in 60 seconds and you’re golden.

    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioカナト
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioシン
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアヤト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    1) マッサージ
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioスバル
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioコウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    2) お礼にキス


    SHU -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE. After your first playthrough you can skip the prolog. (NO and then YES)
    Choose レイジ

    Chapter 1

    2) 今すぐ見せてほしい

    SAVE5 (right after the answer make a Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: Concentration

    This one is a little tricky even on Easy difficulty, since all pictures look similar to me. This game is basically a memory game where you have to uncover matching pairs. You have 60 seconds to do so. I would recommend revealing the first picture and finding it’s pair until the end, than move to second picture, etc. That way game will be easier and easier since there will be less cards to uncover once you start finding pairs.

    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioユーマ
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioスバル
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioカナト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioシュウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    2) お城について聞く
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioシン
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioライト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアヤト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    2) サンドイッチ弁当を作る
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioコウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenario

    Chapter 4

    1) クレープを渡す


    REIJI -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE. After your first playthrough you can skip the prolog. (NO and then YES)

    Chapter 1

    1) 声をかける
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioユーマ
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioトライ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアヤト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    SAVE6 (right after chapterstart make a Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: Fountain show

    This one is fun! You will notice a red arrow speeding around a race track at the bottom of the screen. Whenever the arrow crosses a corresponding button/arrow press it. Timing is important here and once seconds pass it’s gonna get more difficult, since the arrow will be speeding up. On easy there will be less than 250 times you need to press something and I think you need to get ~70% correctly.

    2) かっこよかった
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioコう
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioレイジ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    1) 声をかける
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioシン
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioシュウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアヤト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    2) そっと寝かせておく


    SUBARU -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE and choose 2x YES

    2) 無神家リビングへ

    Choose 無神ルキ

    Chapter 1

    1) でも……。

    SAVE7 (right after the answer make a Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: ****

    The goal of this mini game is to reach over 100 points. You have to match three pictures on the reels to gain points. This is done by stopping the reels with , and . On the left side of the screen there is a score board with all the possible points you could get. The easiest way to complete this at least on easy is to aim at the boy wearing black clothes, since he appears 3 times on the reel, 2 times in a row.

    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioシン
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioユーマ
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioライト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    2) 誠意を示す
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenario アヤト
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - sub scenario カナト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenario コウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenario スバル
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    1) 自分のミスだと謝る
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenario カルラ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenario レイジ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenario シュウ
    MAPGlimmer Dark Street - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    1) 声をかける


    RUKI -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE. After your first playthrough you can skip the prolog. (NO and then YES)

    Chapter 1

    1) ボンゴレ味
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioユーマ
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioアヤト
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioカナト
    MAP: Glimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioスバル
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    2) くすぐる
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioシュウ
    MAP: Glimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioレイジ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAPSaint nore Park - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    1) 微笑ましいな

    SAVE8 (right after the answer make a Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: Labyrinth

    This is the easiest mini game of all, all you need to do is move your character to the GOAL field. Watch our for traps. brings the mini map.

    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenario ライト
    MAP: Glimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioシン
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAPSaint nore Park - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    2) うん


    KOU -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE. After your first playthrough you can skip the prolog. (NO and then YES)
    Choose 無神ユ

    Chapter 1

    1) シュガーハウス
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioレイジ
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioカナト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioアヤト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    2) メリーゴーランド
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioコウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioライト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    1) 怒る

    SAVE9 (right after the answer make a Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: Mine cart

    Goal of this mini game is to reach the finish line. You will be riding a mine cart and the only task you have is jumping over boulders and boxes using . The time limit on easy is generous, with only 2 misses I had 20 seconds to spare when I reached the end line. Just time your jumps right and you will have no issues with beating this mini game.

    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioスバル
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioシュウ
    MAP: Glimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioシン
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    2) 黙っておく


    YUMA -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE. After your first playthrough you can skip the prolog. (NO and then YES)

    Chapter 1

    1) アズサを信じる
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioコウ
    MAP: Glimmer Dark Street - sub scenario アヤト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenario シュウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioカナト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    2) アズサに判断を仰ぐ

    SAVE10 (right after the answer make a Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: Juggling

    The goal of this mini game is to fill up a score bar at the bottom right of the screen. You will see two sliders, the left one with and the right one with . The task here is to press the corresponding buton when either the arrows or are at the circle at the bottom of each slider. You will have 60 seconds. Watch out each time you fail to press the right buton, you will lose scores. Still very easy on easy.

    MAP: Glimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAP: Glimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioユーマ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioレイジ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    2) 今のアズサくんも好き
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioスバル
    MAP: Glimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioシン
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioライト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    2) もう一度挑戦する


    AZUSA -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE and choose 2x YES

    3) 万魔殿 大広間へ
    Choose 月浪カルラ

    Chapter 1

    1) カルラさんが可愛かったから
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioユーマ
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioシン
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioカナト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    2) 生ハム用ナイフ
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioアヤト
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioスバル
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    1) カルラに仮面をつけさせる
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioシュウ
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioライト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioレイジ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioコウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    1) 従う

    SAVE11 (right after the answer make a Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: Coffee Cup

    The goal of this mini game is to avoid other cups of coffe bumping into you for 60 seconds. Press and hold circle and slide away using left analog stick. I didn’t allow any cups to hit me and I got 100 points (starting amount) and cleared this mini game on easy.


    CARLA -Finale clear -


    Fail the minigame. Empty the bar on the right side.

    FAILURE END月浪カルラ

    LUNATIC PARADE -Finale clear -

    Go to story select and choose LUNATIC PARADE. After your last playthrough you can skip the prolog. (NO and then YES)

    Choose 月浪シン

    Chapter 1

    2) なだめる

    SAVE12 (right after the answer make a Backup Save for mini game)

    Mini Game: Water Gun Battle

    The goal of this mini game is to shoot all moving targets (including clowns & bulls eyes) with your water gun. Use and (you have to press and hold) and to fire, to get those targets on left and right sides. Getting 200 points will fill up the score bar.

    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioカナト
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioカルラ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioコウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioシュウ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 2

    1) お願いする
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioアズサ
    MAP: Glimmer Dark Street - sub scenarioスバル
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioライト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioレイジ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 3

    1) シンを落ち着かせる
    MAPSmaragd Mountain - sub scenarioユーマ
    MAPSaint nore Park - sub scenarioアヤト
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - sub scenarioルキ
    MAPGlimmer Main Street - main scenario

    Chapter 4

    1) 正直に話す


    SHIN -Finale clear -

    Теперь мы закончили часть LUNATIC PARADE.

    Перейдите в историю и выберите with SAKAMAKI
    Hospitality from SAKAMAKI
    Перейдите в историю и выберите Date with MUKAMI
    Surprise from MUKAMI
    Перейдите в историю и выберите Date with TSUKINAMI
    Dress from TSUKINAMI

    Теперь мы закончили все основные истирии.

    Перейдите в раздел «История» (первая опция) и выберите «Care for Vampire».

    Играйте за всех 12 персонажей.
    Время от времени игра просит коснуться экрана, коснитесь экрана, и история продолжится.

    Играя в часть «Care for Vampire», вы получите недостающие трофеи с графикой.
    Для получения оставшихся трофеев перейдите в раздел «Special» вы получите все трофеи связанные с GG.



    Header: morg106
    Minigame Guide: Skroq
    Последний раз редактировалось FxMxM; 04.06.2024 в 17:13.

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